Utilisation of Capital Gain money

vsraj (administration) (136 Points)

13 August 2022  

Capital Gain on Sale of House Property as on 30th May 2021 is Rs.10,20,000.(Deposited in the Bank under Capital Gain account on 30th May 2021.  On 30th August 2022 I am buying a new Flat for Rs.40 lakhs. Money deposited in Capital Gain A/c is accumulating with interest to Rs.10,58,250 as on 30th August 2022. 

I am paying Rs.10,50,000 to the seller from the capital Gain Account. . The .Balance of Rs.8250 can I utilise for buying Stamp paper for Registration of the Sale Deed  Or can I utilise the amount for other miscellaneous expenses during Registration of the Sale Deed.