Useful exam tips to Score good mark in theory papers


26 April 2011  


Dear Friend and members,

This is my humble effort to bring a bird eye view of theory presentation. This is a summary of Theory exam presentation and this presentation will help you a lot for taking care of theory presentation. Hit on the iron when it hot. Look in to the main aspect through the following discussions.

a)   As far as Business and company law paper is concerned, ethics and communication is a scoring segment. So, ensure that you are thorough with this segment. This will help you to score better mark with Business and company law.

b)   Concentrate well on  payment of Gratuity Act, payments of bonus Act, multiple Co operative societies Act, PF ACT. These are small segment and in exam, there are so many repetitative questions are set from these segment. There are  repetitative application oriented question from these segment.

c)    You must fairly have a good idea about Accounting and auditing standards. Since there are good portion of practical questions in audit and accounts are based on these standards. So, No compromise over these standards.

d)   There is nothing will happen if you are not quoating the section numbers and SA numbers. If you quoate a wrong section and SA number, can cause a negative impression. On the other hand if you can able to quote correctly, these will reflect in your mark. You can adopt some technique to remember this.

e)   Case study is an important area. Understand the fact of the cases from the grass route level first and write precise point to point answer. This is in fact a scoring and losing area. If you have not taken the concepts in the right direction, there is a risk of losing marks.

f)     Better not start with the compulsory question since either it may be a tricky one or it may be a  time consuming.  So, take care, take additional brain storming and leave it later.

g)   Be focused on recent amendment and case laws since there are few question will be set from these segment. There are certain case, these amendment either have conflicting nature or override the existing provisions.

h)  Be thorough with i) Draftng of AGM/EGM, iii)Minute iv) legal documents such as partnership deed, lease deed etc


i)       Type of theory question









 Write precise points





               Application oriented       

            Answer shall be as follows

a)      Fact of the cases

b)      Provision of the law

c)       Analysis of the cases

d)      Conclusions


j)      You can underline the key words whichwill attract the attention of the examiner.              

All the best

CA vivek M

Happy exam writing

castudenthelpdesk @