Mahesh.k. (Data Analyst ) (195 Points)

16 August 2008  

Hi, Every one work for success, But only few will acheive it Why ?

Let me tell you If we use our five sensors we can construct the road of success by 75% and the remaining depends on your extra ability....

we all know the five sensors like : Seeing, Smell, Touch, Hear, Speak

Let me explain How important are they in our Success:

Seeing :- See the things closely and analyse it and make sure you have remembered the content what you have absorved. ( Text book content, Qusestions, Problems & Notes , etc., )

Speaking : Lets Disscuss with your Dear and nearest One who is acompaning in your journey , and try to read out loudly which can enhance your memory as well as pronouciation.

Hearing : Before telling some thing Lets listen first, and Be alertive in your class room and while reading listen what your heart says.

Smelling: This Plays an important role in our Health of Physical and mental health,

Smell food only suitable for preparation and avoid fastfoods and fat contents including oil content and take more dry fruits and healthy food So, smell your moms food which is prepared for you.

Touching : Appreciate the one who has achieved , Even though it is small , But one day it will become big, and Touch your pen and calculators and watch for practice and calculations and maintain your timeings..


This is my first step in explaining the things and you people understand the meaning instead of quoting the mistakes in it ......................

All the best ( All Students Who are appearing for CA in This Nov 08 )