
Mayuri Lal (officer CS) (748 Points)

28 September 2010  

dear members,

there is a shareholder who holds shares and debentures in various companies.... he died two  years bak ..now his shares need to be transmitted in favour of his wife who has a demat account...

i am coming accross two situation:

  1. first is that the deceased shareholders has shares in physical form and the legal heir i.e his wife has a demat account
  2. second condition is that there are 2 3 certificates where the shares and the debentures are joinltly held by the deceased shareholder, his wife and his daughter...out of which his wife has a demat account...

can any one please guide me seperatly as per the above two situations i.e in the fist situaltion should i request the company to transmit the shares to the demat account and my main confusion is in the second situations as to request the company jus to dtrike off the name of the deceased shareholder...bkoz onli one shareholder ahs demat account..

its very urgent....


CS Mayuri lal