Prashant Toshnival (42 Points)
19 June 2017Prashant Toshnival (42 Points)
19 June 2017
CA Mayur Todmal
(Practicing CA)
(7756 Points)
Replied 19 June 2017
Whether you are registred under existing indirect tax, like vat? if ye syou will be migrated to gst on the basis of provisional registation id alloted to you. After 1 july you may cancel your registartion or conyinue under GST.
CA Saloni
(Manager-Accounts & GST Consultant)
(5124 Points)
Replied 19 June 2017
A very good question raised.
The limit is to be seen for current year. This is not specifically mentioned anywhere but it is interpreted so.
(p r o p)
(22 Points)
Replied 20 June 2017
There are various benefits which can be witnessed in the Indian market, be it for the business, the government or the consumer, after the introduction of the Gst Registration
(100 Points)
Replied 20 June 2017