Please solve my following query at the earliest:-
1. Income of the partnership firm for F.Y. 2008-09 - Rs. 33650.00
2. Tax liablity on above income - Rs. 10398.00
3. TDS deducted by the parties - Rs. 12251.00
Therefore refund in the return of A.Y. 2009-10 - Rs. 1850 but the assets side of the balance sheet (31-3-2009) of the firm shows TDS - Rs. 12251.00.
Now accounts of the firm for F.Y. 2009-10 are being audited for the first time. Tax liability of the firm for F.Y. 2009-10 is Rs. 25000 and the TDS deducted by the parties is Rs. 28000.
How the accounting entries be made for the above in the books. Whether the tax liability of the firm to be adjusted against the TDS deducted be allowed as deduction in profit and loss.