hello frndz...
can u plz temme ...i m a pcc student n giving ma 7th attempt in nov12
so is it der tat i hv to re-register for PCC plz temme frndz
& my date of registration to pcc is 30-07-07
so plz temme wat i hv to do ???
Mayank Jain (Student) (575 Points)
17 August 2012hello frndz...
can u plz temme ...i m a pcc student n giving ma 7th attempt in nov12
so is it der tat i hv to re-register for PCC plz temme frndz
& my date of registration to pcc is 30-07-07
so plz temme wat i hv to do ???
(110 Points)
Replied 17 August 2012
(360 Points)
Replied 17 August 2012
Dont need to register. You can Appear for nov 2012 pcc exam
Mayank Jain
(575 Points)
Replied 17 August 2012
tat means m elegible for nov12 na frndz ??
Mayank Jain
(575 Points)
Replied 17 August 2012
frndz u sure na m really worried abt dis ????
n thnk u so mch for ur replies :)
thnks again