We have a new client age 79 yrs.Uptill now she has never filed any Return as she is a house wife and had no personal income.In the FY2010-2011 she recieved the following amt for sale of land (taxable as per IT definition) whic she inherited frm ancestor.
35,000 ,Rs35,000 etc during the whole yearat specified interval as an advanced till total reached Rs7,00,000/- as cosideration of sale. But actual trf of ownership did nt take place untill 30.3.2011
Qurries are as follows :
She had invested whnever money was rec inFD for short term period & after 1.4.2011 7,00,000 will be invetsd in SEC54EC-NHAI BONDS for exempetion. so som amt is still in fd s thn whth "Int on fds shld be taken on "ACCRUAL basis or RECIEPT basis
considering this is d first tim she filint ITR and has no other incom?
She did nt pay advance tax(during FY 2010-11) as she was going to invets the whol cosideration in NAHI bonds.
WHEHER ANY PENALTY IS LEVIABLE for non payment of ADVANCE TAX condiering that after investing in NHAI bonds ther in no tax payable i.e. NIL tax comes after calculating tax on Total income ?
pls reply n thnxx in adv.