Urgent help ..Compliance notice for selling flat as power attorner...

Rahul Mhatre (15 Points)

31 March 2022  

Hi, in financial year 2020-21 my father sold flat of more than 50 lacs as attorney of power behalf of friend, my father did not receive single money , in register office it was my father's pan being used so SMS came today two days back from IT department to reply for Flat sell transaction in compliance portal and File IT return before 31st March , for Feedback i have only below option in IT department website

 1) transfer not in the nature of sale 2) information is not fully correct 3) information related to other pan/year 4) information is duplicate/included in other information 5) information is correct 6) sale of rural agriculture land 7) information is denied .........please help which option to chose and how to reply, how i can tell IT department that in above transaction my father has registered property as power of attorney ...  The real seller who got flat money is denying to give his PAN number , giving different excuses , please help as today is the last date 31st March to Reply and in 2020-21 my father income was below 5 lac so I won't file return , please what to do , it's urgent 

Read more at: https://www.caclubindia.com/forum/tax-credit-for-sale-of-flat-in-26as-as-power-of-attorney-585212.asp