i graduated from d.u. in 2009 and m also final level studnt of icai i hvnt mentioned d fact of my graduatn wen i registerd fr pcc in 2007........ wat shud i do?
CA Dhiraj Ramchandani
(CA, M. com)
(10823 Points)
Replied 06 March 2010
Should not do anything now...
I mean, u've already completed ur graduation. Form 112 (seeking permission for other course) is filled while joining the new course and not on its completion...
Just relax
Rahul Bansal
(35929 Points)
Replied 06 March 2010
nupur jain
(CA & CS student)
(114 Points)
Replied 07 March 2010
since u were registered for graduation before 1st april 2008...so u r nt required to file form no.112 for it..
(80 Points)
Replied 08 March 2010
thanx fr d help guys but m concerned dat i havent mentioned in my form 103 of reg dat i was doin b com!!!!!!!!
and my real concern is dis:https://www.icai.org/post.html?post_id=4998&c_id=219
d last date is 31/03/2010
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