My Client Doing Contract Business in Various Department While receiving Bill in Department they have Give GST Bill as - Total Bill Value - Rs.56,00,000/- For GST payment Turnover - 50,00,000 SGST - 300000 CSGT - 300000 they gave like this and i file in in GST like it but in 26AS they have shown 56,00,000, as taxable value and dedutced 1% Income Tax For that amount Rs. 56000/- my doubt is while filing IT the turnover should match with the 26AS I have shown the GST Turnover as 50,00,000/- But in the Department Filed 26AS as 56,00,000/- there is 6,00,000/- differ in GST & 26AS kindly give the clear adviseee of Filing IT
Urgent - contract income differ in gst & form 26as
Libissa (Accountant) (326 Points)
05 September 2019