Dear Gnanika,
In Form 1, there are 2 fields in point8(I) regarding address : 1. Permanent address of the promoter and 2. Present address of the promoter. Please ensure that you have mentioned the temporary Bangalore address of the Jharkhand based promoter in the field of 'Present address'. In addition to this, please attach the scanned copy of the affidavit of the Jharkhand based promoter that he indeed camped in Bangalore (temporarily) when he signed the Memorandum of Association. His temporary address in Banglore has to be mentioned in this affidavit. The signature of this promoter should also be affixed in this affidavit.
Also, please ensure that the details of promoters entered are same as the details of promoters entered in corresponding eForm 1A. In case details of any one or more of the promoters as entered in eForm 1A is not entered in this form, then it shall be mandatory to provide ‘No objection certificate’ from such promoter(s) as an attachment.
In case you have further queries regarding filing of the e-forms on the MCA-21 portal, you can go to the following link :
Veeral Gandhi