I am CA final student of Old Sylabus and completed by GR 2. I need to write GR 1. I want to know whether OLD Sylabus is existing for MAY 11 exams.
Please clarify.
V.SHIVASHANKAR (Chartered Accountant) (168 Points)
22 January 2011I am CA final student of Old Sylabus and completed by GR 2. I need to write GR 1. I want to know whether OLD Sylabus is existing for MAY 11 exams.
Please clarify.
Mohit Arya
(Chartered Accountant)
(96 Points)
Replied 22 January 2011
No dear,
Nov. 2010 was d last attemt for old final course.
CA Shirish Prakash Biman
(Shirish Biman & Company)
(129 Points)
Replied 22 January 2011
Please Mohit sir,
Can u have any notification or circular number about last attempt of CA final old course?