Convert the following one number system to another number system:
(0.1011)2 = ( )10
(0.625)10 = ( )2
(0.34)8 = ( )10
(28.125)10 = ( )8
(A9F8)16 = ( )2
Please also tell how you got the answers.
Thank You!
Pritz (Studying) (95 Points)
14 May 2014Convert the following one number system to another number system:
(0.1011)2 = ( )10
(0.625)10 = ( )2
(0.34)8 = ( )10
(28.125)10 = ( )8
(A9F8)16 = ( )2
Please also tell how you got the answers.
Thank You!
CA Saroj Kumar
(Keen to learn something new every moments)
(2588 Points)
Replied 16 May 2014
Go here...................,-Octal-and-Binary-Number-to-Decimal