
Hemchand Kohli (Accountant) (889 Points)

02 December 2009  

Q1. An assets has useful life of 4 years. It is Depreacited by WDV. method its book value at the end of 4 year is 24% of its original cost have, hence tha rates of depreciation will be applied.

Q2.  X & Y entered in to Joint Venture Profit Ration Equally. X  Provides goods from his stock Rs. 20000/- and he pay expenses amounting to Z Rs. 20,000/-. Y incurs further expenses on carriage for Rs. 3000/-., he recevied Cash Sale for Rs. 35000/- he also takes our goods to the value of Rs. 5000/- what will be the amount to be remmited by X to Y.

Q3.  What stock valuation method best matches the Cost of Goods Sold with current replacement Cost.  LIFO or FIFO.