

“The eyes are the mirror of the soul”
“The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul”
“The eye is the jewel of the body”
“Weak eyes are fondest of glittering objects”
“No eyes that have seen beauty ever lose their sight.”
“The eyes are the amulets of the mind”
“I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart”
“There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect”
“The eyes have one language everywhere”
“The eyes like sentinel occupy the highest place in the body”
“The eyes are not responsible when the mind does the seeing.”
“In her eyes a thought Grew sweeter and sweeter, deepening like the dawn, A mystical forewarning”
“You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”
“The eyes have a property in things and territories not named in any title-deeds, and are the owners of our choicest possessions.”
“Eyes, that displaces The neighbor diamond, and out-faces That sun-shine by their own sweet graces”
“What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth”
“I need no dictionary of quotations to remind me that the eyes are the windows of the soul”
“The night has a thousand eyes,And the day but one;Yet the light of the bright world dies With the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyes,And the heart but one:Yet the light of a whole life dies When love is done”
“ Not in mine eyes alone in Paradise”
“Some eyes threaten like a loaded and levelled pistol, and others are as insulting as hissing or kicking; some have no more expression than blueberries, while others are as deep as a well which you can fall into.”
“A lover's eyes will gaze an eagle blind.”
“Your optimistic eyes seem like paradise, to someone like...me.”
“What we learn only through the ears makes less impression upon our minds than what is presented to the trustworthy eye.”
“What the eye does not admire the heart does not desire”