Kindly do it as per the below order..
1) Install Revo Uninstaller Professional 30 Days Trial here T M L
2) Uninstall your existing Java and Adobe Reader in your computer
using the above Revo uninstaller.
After uninstallation it will ask to check remaining residual files if any -->
Select All and Remove any remaining residual files.
3) Install 360 Total Security
Select Offline Installer
4) After installation, Click Full Check and Repair all
Please Note : If you have any other Antivirus / Internet security, it CAN be installed simultaneosly
which will act as additional security software and Good for Junk Cleaning and Patch Up too.
5) Install Java 8U 65 from here T M L
Select < Accept Licence Agreement > and download
Windows x86 Offline < jre-8u65-windows-i586.exe > Size is 47.81 MB
6) Now Download and Install Adobe Reader 11.0.10 ONLY.
File Name : AdbeRdr11010_en_US.exe
File Size : 72.3 MB
7) After installation of the above versions of Java 8U65 and Adobe Reader 11.0.10, now
do the following
click in your Windows Start Button --- Enter the word "Configure Java" in Run Command.
8) Click Security ---> Select High only --- Then Click Edit Site List
and Add the following webportal addresses in one by one
(iv) https://*
Now, installation and setting is over. Restart your computer.
After Restarting, Connect Internet and retain until the work will come to end.
1) Plase attach Director and Professional Digital Signature in your computer machine.
2) Download Fresh Form-8 T M L
3) Now,Open the Fresh, Blank Form and start fill the Form.
Important Note : Please DO NOT disconnect your Lan / Wifi internet connection while filling the form
4) After filling all details, now check form and Affix Designated partern's DSC followed by Professional's DSC
5) You may know that you need to select "SAVE AS" and need to enter a new short file name
for "DSC Signed" form
6) Now, click "prescrutiny" and After flaashing the word "No Prescrutiny error" SAVE AS in New Final File name
7) Kindly ensure Java Plugin Enabled in your web browser (i.e) Firefox / Internet Explorer
(or) any other browser's Add-on
8) Now Form is ready for upload and start upload.
9) Now, like Jet Flight, Your E-form will take-off ( Upload ) over air (Internet) to Delhi ( MCA )
without any stopping.