Turn your failure to success...Some tips for you


09 February 2010  

Dear students ,


Now the result of Final and P C C and PE 2 as well as IPCC comes out. Now the approximately 2 and half month left for your coming exam…


You can crack the exam , it is not really tough as you had imagined . It is true that the bench mark set by the ICAI is  so good. You can also crack by open your mind and body. Many students were failed in the previous exam, for various reasons. If you failed that does not means  you are inferior , or worthless. There may be some mistake which may lead to the failure. So, can we start with the root cause of failure.

Identify the root cause of failure,

A)    Failure for want of aggregate

This means you had cleared all the individual paper within the group but not reached the bench mark set by the ICAI. There is a good number of students exist  in this category.



The aggregate mark make an indirect condition that you must require 50% mark for come across the success line


1)    Set  a individual target of 60 mark , so that you can simply score at least 50 mark range…

2)    Any one paper as an exemption paper (60) in  each  group, just an example in the group one you can target Law paper  as a target paper so that you just require 40 mark in the remaining two papers Know?

B)    Failure in cost accounting


There are a good number of students who still are  failing in this area. ICAI is an accounting body and why they making the cost paper this much tight? This is a question which many number of the students had already raised before many thread forum.


          The paper is in fact concept oriented ,surprise and some time lengthy .This is the major feature of this paper alone.

1)    Wrong method of studies

Solving the problem without understanding the concept.  This is the root cause of failure. In some subject more repeatation will help you to clear.


How can you understand the concept? Or Where is the concept?


This is another question. Basic concepts will remain constant , but the problems based on the concept will be variable in nature.

Understand the basic concept first, then , try to solve the problems with understanding the concept.


If you reading a problem and solving the problem just looking in to the solution , then, you are killing your self .


Read the problem, Hit the concept and try to solve the problems with out referring the solution. But those who studying first time may be find difficult to solve the problems without referring the solutions…Even if many time revision will not make you confident.


I suggest you to solve the problem with out referring the solution, but if you struck , then , refer the solution. Try to solve the problem with out referring the solution as far as possible. This will only enhance the thinking power.


Buy a good reference book, for an example, I can say Padhuka book, scanners, suggested answers.


After completing each chapter, please do refer the past exam problems and understand the concept. Make a good trend of question.


In maths paper, there is a particular formulae and the problems shall be oriented on the concept. Similary For MAFA, cost management all are based on a particular concept. This is the similarity of maths paper and a cost  management, FM  paper.

If you weak in maths , you may be found some difficulties in this particular paper.




2)    Good management strategy for the exam


Mostly the MAFA, Accounts, cost management , questions set in the exam will be normally lengthy and surprise. Allocate the time according to the weight of mark.  If al the question is 12 mark , then , you  can allocate 30 minute for the question, if you not complete it, then leave the same and start attend an other question.



 Score good mark in Audit and law


The question pattern now a days set in the exam were practical case laws. This is for testing your concept clarity in various area


1)    Inter linking concept


A question of Going concern which had set in exam, normally student will cut and paste AAS 16 Going concern, it will not fetch you good mark. The going concern is covered in AAS 1, CARO report and many other place. Just filter it and present it in a good way


For corporate law, a particular question will hit in many sections ,Just filter it and write it in better way, will fetch good mark


2)For Audit papers, more than 60% will cover in the following area

Accounting standard, AAS

Company Audit

CARO 2003


So, you must be so thorough in the above area, then only you can adopt the inter linking technique


For Corporate and other law


You must be master in other laws such as Negotiable instrument, Payment of Bonus Act, Multiple co operative societies Act, Provident fund Act, Indian contract Act,


Give the same weightages to Company law.


The exam question will cover all the area.


Be thorough


3)  Scoring good mark in InfoTech, SM, MICS,


First you read the area


Understand the area


Document the area studied


Revise the area in a short span of time


Present the same in exam


You need to adopt a good presentation strategy  for the exam. If you cut and paste from ICAI module or good reference book will not fetch you good mark


Examiner will have to search for all the paragraph ,better write the same in point wise with good numbering for each point . The point is advised to have a good heading and sub heading. This will create a good impression. Examiner by just reading the point , can be able to assess you and will fetch a good mark than writing  para graph wise.


For point wise presentation, you must have the  habit of making a good note . You must note down what you had understood.

This will increase your productivity during the day of exam…


I hope if you adopt all these in a systematic manner , the day when the result declaring you may be the winner …if you want to be a winner , go the above strategy. Now  I am giving you the ball to you, now your time start now. Play well and clear the exam…You will be a winner in the next exam


All The best



castudenthelpdesk @ gmail.com

