Tuition income which category??

Page no : 3

CA Piyush Jhawar (Chartered Accountant) (545 Points)
Replied 27 October 2014

Professional Services are merely not based on qualification.There is covered under PGBP the term VOCATION.It would hold good if you happen to study the term.If your mother has some experience in teaching which she appears to have, you could call it as a vocation thus taxable as PGBP.

Dixit (CA Final) (2405 Points)
Replied 27 October 2014

Agree with Piyush

Chinay Panchal (Student) (22 Points)
Replied 27 October 2014

Itshould be charged under Income From Other Sources Head.... And slab rqte is applicable...

Anonymous (Business) (240 Points)
Replied 29 October 2014

Same situation , which ITR is required to file for the purpose of carry forwarding the short term capital loss from trading in stocks.

PRAVEEN KUMAR (MBA (Finance) B.Com.(P))   (3443 Points)
Replied 29 October 2014

Yes Itr2 . Income from other sources

Riya Paul (Commerce Teacher (accounts))   (22 Points)
Replied 30 October 2014

I am also a teacher and self employed.. just a few days back I submitted my tax return and it was IRT V form. for individual.. ( (94 Points)
Replied 31 October 2014

I think a business and profession and file a itr 4 and slab is individual applicable as per it rate for financial year announced in budjet

Pakshal K (CA Job) (33 Points)
Replied 06 November 2014

Your mother need not file OT return if her income is only tution income-ifos

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