Trust is a virtue

Sathish M (Management Accountant) (40581 Points)

26 February 2013  

Trust? Years to Earn, Seconds to Break


Trust Quotes
 Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair. 
Giving trust to someone isn't hard to do, but maintaining a trusting relationship with someone is very hard to do when a persons trust is broken. It only takes one bad move to break someone's trust, and something that may have taken years to build, immediately goes away for many people.


Friendship, Trust, Loyalty Quotes
 If you treat me as a friend and trust me, you may find that I justify your trust. 
When someone who considers you a friend gives you trust, and you accept this friendship as one you will protect, it is your ultimate duty to keep this sacred by never breaking the trust of a friend. Honesty isn't always the easiest policy to act on, but it in the end will always be the best policy to put in to use in almost any friendship.



Trust, Love, Inspirational, valentines day Quotes
 The best proof of love is trust. 
When people are insecure and uncertain about who they really are inside and are involved in relationships, they make it known the way that they are by refusing to trust their partner. The best proof of love is trust, because when two people are really in love with each other, they simply make valiant efforts not to break each other's trust. Real love between two people can really only be shared to the best of its ability if both people really know how to love themselves first.


Trust, Dishonesty, Lies, Deception, Fake People Quotes
 It is so easy to believe someone when they tell you exactly what you want to hear. 
In this cruel world we must be careful because some people are only in lives for their own pleasures and desires. Some will tell you things that they think you want to hear so that they may get out of you whatever it is that they desire. If we want to avoid dealing with deceptive people, we must be willing to do a number of things.


Forgiveness,Trust, Heartbreak, Relationship Quotes
 If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. 
In life there is a lesson to be learned in all of your victories and all of your defeats. Don't let things like failed relationships bring you down or stop you from ever wanting to trust another human being again. Forgive those who have abused your trust, those who are supposed to be with you but act as if they are against you, those who have been willing to not only break your heart, but willing to betray you as well.


Trust Quotes
 It's hard to trust someone the second time around after they already gave you one reason not to trust them. 
When we decide to trust someone after they were dishonest or disloyal to us the first time around, we are choosing to put our heart into someone's hands with whom we know is capable of hurting us again. With this being said, knowing that they may be able to hurt you again is not what should be focused on. Instead after a thorough reconciliation and grieving period we have to be willing to get past the past in order to grow the relationship


Trust, Pain, Loneliness Quotes
 We all need that one person in our lives who we can tell everything to and trust with our lives. Otherwise life becomes so lonely and painful. 
Speaking from experience, many times it is very convenient to be able to have a person to confide in and be able to tell any and everything to, at any given time, without them judging you. Though a friend like this may be exceptional, in the world we live in a friend like that may be hard to come by. Often times a friend like this will be someone you may have grew up with, or known for a long amount of time.