True picture of common man of india

Deepak kumar sharma (Govt. job) (2946 Points)

23 July 2012  

A man from people shouted:-“I earn rupees 60 only per day after so much hard work. I hardly manage my daily food and other family expenses. Government should help me.


Planning commission of India *(The Planning Commission is an institution in the Government of India) replied “No your daily consumption is more than Rs. 28.70 per day. So you are not poor or BPL (Below Poverty line). Fact: - According to definition provided by the Planning commission of India "an individual above a monthly consumption of 859.6 (US$15.56) in urban and 672.8 (US$12.18) in rural areas is not considered poor". So there is no need to help you by Govt.


On the other hand, some Government employees threatened to go on a nationwide strike if the government failed to hike their salaries. Fact: - The Class 1 officers in India are grossly underpaid with an IAS officer with 25 years of work experience earning just Rs.55, 000 i.e. Rs. 1800 per day (approx) as his take home pay. Reasons for the demand of hikes include rising inflation and rising pay in the private sector due to the forces of Globalization.


Government of India considered the issue seriously and set up one more pay commission with deadline to solve this issue.