Trns-1 submit after submission of gstr-3b

sujit naha (accountant) (347 Points)

21 August 2017  

GSTR-3B is already Filed and Status is showing FILED          

GSTR -3B -- ITC Register showing as following ------                                 

  Month: July >>>    Opening Balance >>>> Rs. Nil

                                Credit Taken >>>>>>>  Rs. 100000/-

                                GST Paid >>>>>>>>>> Rs.  60000/-

                                Closing Balance >>>>>> Rs. 40000/-

Month : Aug >>>>> Opening balance >>> Rs. 40000/-

Question: If now submit TRNS-1 which amount of Rs. 50000/- , then how to added in ITC Register for the month Aug or onwards?

Please reply the above question  briefly .. thanks