Trick to remember setoff rules of stcl ltcl stcg and ltcg

GiriRaaj (Articleship Traing ) (157 Points)

11 February 2014  

Trick to remember setoff rules of STCL LTCL STCG and LTCG (except shares)

We found that many people make a mess in  remembering rules of setoff, here are simple rules (you can make these three adjustments for setoff  )

1. STCL <-> STCG

2. STCL <-> LTCG

3. LTCL <-> LTCG


Now many people are very confused in this, so there is one trick to remember this section Let use consider-

 STCL is small girl LTCL is big girl STCG is small boy and,

 LTCG is big boy


1. Small girl can marry small boy of her age  (STCL <-> STCG)   



2. Small girl can marry Big boy who is somewhat bigger than her  (STCL <-> LTCG)


3. Big girl can marry Big boy of her age (LTCL <-> LTCG) 



4. BUt, Big girl can't marry small boy.. (LTCL cannot be adjusted by STCG) 


I hope now nobody will forget this rule :)

Giriraaj Vyas