What is the treatment of unsued stationary stock laying at year end in case of bulk purchase of stationery ?
shell it be treted as other assets in schedule VI as consumables ?
vasoya ankit (Practice) (137 Points)
20 May 2013What is the treatment of unsued stationary stock laying at year end in case of bulk purchase of stationery ?
shell it be treted as other assets in schedule VI as consumables ?
(Chartered Accountant)
(4775 Points)
Replied 20 May 2013
Generally Stationery items are debited to Profit and Loss Account as they are treated as expense.
But if the stationery is the main item of trading, then it shall be shown as Inventory in the Revised Schedule VI Balance Sheet at cost or selling price whichever is lower.
Devendra Kulkarni
vasoya ankit
(137 Points)
Replied 21 May 2013
here stationary stock is not for trading but can say consumables. As per revised schedule VI consumables shell be shown as other assets in balance sheet.
suppose if a person purchase stationary stock like broacher letter pad visiting cards and like stationery item in bulk like for 300000 lakhs however actually used is just for Rs 70000 in the year of operation, then should we provide for 230000 as other assets and not as an expense
(Chartered Accountant)
(4775 Points)
Replied 21 May 2013
You can show them as Consumables in the Balance Sheet and transfer it to Profit and Loss A/c as and when the Stationery items are used.
Devendra Kulkarni
vasoya ankit
(137 Points)
Replied 22 May 2013
is there any legal clarification regarding this ? in schedule vi or AS or case law etc
(Service )
(7576 Points)
Replied 23 May 2013
You can show this expenses in head Defered Misc Expenses accouint under Asset
Means If you have purchased stationery of rs. 3 lac in a year and the stationey will be used with in next 5 year period, the expenses should be shown as Defered expenses in Asset side of Balance sheet.
At the time of purchase
Printing & Stationery Expenses A/c Dr.
To Bank/ Cash/ Vendor
as on 31st March
Misc Expenses (Defered Expenses) A/c dr
To Printing & Stationery
And in each following year:
Printing & Stationery (from Used value of stationery) Dr.
To Misc Expenses (Defered Expenses) A/c
veeru sagar
(BBE,M.com,CA Final )
(473 Points)
Replied 23 May 2013
As per your case that is you have purchase the Stationary of 3 lacs and consume only rs 40000 than balancing figure remain in your hand
this is depends on the discrision of management
that if you will treat it revenue expenditure then it charge in Profit and Loss than your profit wil decrease and
if you treat it Assest then the value of consumed will charge in Profit and Loss Account and balancing figure will shown in baance sheet as assests and this method will not effect your profit and loss account