Treatment of Amount invested in SIP for 5 years on maturity
Aaquib Iqbal (29 Points)
17 March 2018What will be the treatment of the total amount invested in SIP when I redeem all units of Mutual fund after 6 years
Aaquib Iqbal (29 Points)
17 March 2018
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183730 Points)
Replied 17 March 2018
Section 80C deduction is available only when any amount is invested in ELSS schemes of any MF; whether lump sum or SIP........
The amount invested gets lock-in for 3 years.......... so, you cannot redeem ELSS units within period of 3 years. (unless specific permission obtained from ITO)
So, whatever redemption amount you will get after 6 years will be of the units invested in first 3 years only, which will be totally tax-exempt..