Which E-Form one has to file for transfer of Shares in a pvt. ltd. co.
(PRACTICING CS Jalandhar 9914558709)
(5155 Points)
Replied 04 May 2013
for trasnfer of shares, share transfer deed is required to be filled by Transferor and transferee and has to be hand over to the company. the company will then inform about such share transfer in annual return of such year. No e form in this respect is required to be filed.
CA Kedar Sakhardande
(942 Points)
Replied 06 May 2013
No E form is to be filed as such.
--There has to be a share purchase agreement between buyer and seller.
--The transfer of shares has to be approved by meeting of Board of Directors
-- The Share transfer form with proper stamp duty paid has to be filled in
-- The Share certificate has to be noted with endorsement of transfer
-- The corresponding entries are to be made in statutory register.
-- At the time of filing Annual Return (Form 20B) the transfer of shares has to be mentioned
(This applies in case both buyer and seller are Indian Ressidents. In case any of them is a NRI or Foreign National, there will be additional RBI formalties to be complied with)