There is no limit to the number of transfers.
I do not think it creates any good or bad impression.
The bad imporession is that of our institute, which challenges our democracy.
Institute doesnt have the solution to the following-
The CA student registered with CA.... wants a transfer and the principal has refused to sign the transfer form.
As per chartered accountants act, transfer is possible by-
1. mutual consent
2. death of prinicpal
3. opting for industrial training
For a first year article, if there is no mutual consent and if he is wanting a transfer then the solution is to pray for the CAs death or to work with him without interest till he dies or signs form 109.
I think you should ask the institute what a student can do in case his prinicpal refuses to sign form 109?
As per the chartered accountants act there is no answer.
In any case the prinicpal has no right to refuse. If student has a bad attitude prinicpal can tell him to leave, if he is good he should think good about him and let him go.
Our institute and their memebers who refuse transfer are a bad impression in this regard.