Trading Company claiming Input tax credit

Srinath (MANAGER - ACCOUNTS (CA - FINAL))   (35 Points)

30 August 2010  

Dear all,

I'm running a Trading Company in Chennai dealing in supply of packing materials to the Companies located in SEZ.

I have VAT & CST registration for the same. 


I'll purchase materials inter state as well as intra state. Certain materials has been purchased from Delhi (Inter State)

for which I paid the input tax ( CED + CST => 8% + 2% => 10% ) to supplier alongwith material cost. Certain materials

has been purchased from Chennai (Intra State) for which I paid the input tax ( CED + VAT => 8% + 12.5% / 4% => 20.5% /

12% ).


I will sell the goods at a profit margin @ 30%. Out of my profit margin, in the worst case I've to pay input tax @ 20.5%.

I can't able to charge the same to my Customer bcoz the Customer located in SEZ. 


My query is, what procedure should I follow in order to claim my input tax as refund. Whether any registration or forms to

be filed for the same in order to claim the input tax as refund?