Tough time ahead ..!!

CA Arindam Sain (Practice) (308 Points)

15 August 2010  

Hi friends,

I have heard from various sources and also from speeches of our honorable president that going forward question of CA final exam will be more practical oriented and expert opinion would be expected as answer  from student which ensures that they have well versed exposure in practical training during articleship period.

I earnestly request to our esteemed  senior members of CCI  to through up some light on this issue and how we should prepare for that because i think  traditional  type question will be very minimum.

My Question is

1. How we should correlate the provision of DT in more practical manner beyond the case laws at the time of our preparation ?

2. As there are many firms where scope of work is limited in particular few fields , then how should we prepare as well versed experienced student as institute likes?

3. Could any one help us by providing mock papers in like of Accounts, MAFA,DT, IDT, Costing for our self evaluation?

pls. help us sir.............