today's horoscope

yatharth (ddewdf) (82 Points)

04 August 2010  


You may be pre occupied with thoughts of fortune and your goal in life. You may be on the look out for a more versatile opening. You may be more than just interested; you will work towards it with conviction and treat it as priority. Your mind may be occupied with the thoughts of some one close to your heart; it is a possibility that this person is away at the moment. Your astral signature also indicates that you will be positive and will not let worries unsettle you completely. You may feel the disturbance but you will over come the obstacles. The time is good for joint ventures and consolidated efforts will bear fruits.


You will feel very optimistic and clear-headed. Your motivation will be high and if you are waiting for something, there is an indication that you may receive some good news. You will shine in social gatherings. Keep your spirits high and keep your chin up. You are intelligent and logical, and you will be dauntless while being verbose about your views and ideas. Try to be more logical if you wish to have a better endurance support. You dislike any kind of indecision and for this cause you may also become restless. Keep your patience. Hidden tensions may cause mental fatigue so keep your mind open and take positive steps to enhance your efforts at your place of work.


You may have to look at your own performance and look at ways of improving upon it. Destiny has given you enough to spend but you must curb your expensive nature and be more conservative. An expensive bout of shopping may surely make you feel regretful later. Better to conserve your resources for the rainy day. Your desire for love and romance may get satiated. You may suddenly come across a person you fancy. There does not seem much permanency in the relationship but there are some contra indications if you are already attached. Health will remain steady. Life may promise you a rosy picture but you have to work hard for it.


There is an indication of a change of place or a short travel. Overall there is no special cause for concern. Keep an eye on your expenses. If you are in the artistic field, creativity will flow easily and you will shine like a star in the company of friends and associates. You may meet someone who will interest you in the finer things of life. The two of you may discuss about things that normally do not come into the daily picture. Keep you ambition and activities within what is reasonable and logical. This will also result in a general happy atmosphere, as disappointments will be less. Your immediate family may bring you joy and happiness. You must be cautious so that you do nothing that may negate what may have been beneficial for you.


You will feel a surge of will power and optimism. If you feel the need to unwind do not hesitate to take a short break. You may need to tone down your will to achieve and try to use a softer and safer method. Tact and diplomacy will come in very good use if you could use it at the right moment and right situation. Your love life and superiors at work may prove to be troublesome if you are egotistical and stubborn at this point of time. There is an indication of a change of place or a short travel. Your peace of mind may be a little disturbed. You may feel stifled and restricted by the people around you. Do not feel degenerated, you are in good time.


You will be optimistic but pensive. You may look back at the past and rejoice at how far you have come. This will encompass both material and emotional maturity and will bring you to judge your past incidents in a light that you may not feel the need to hold on to the past anymore. Future has opened a new horizon for you. You will not have unnecessary tension upsetting your normal pace of life. Confidence and positive thinking will not be lacking. The time is good for new ventures or job change. You will be steady and persistent in your work front and gain popularity & appreciation. Make best use of the time and enjoy while you attain the perfect mix of business and pleasure.


Some important event may take place now, which will change your opinion about some people around you. This maybe professional and not personal. There are also indications of new avenues for business. You may get a breakthrough, but do keep it to yourself until you are absolutely sure and certain. There is no serious cause for worry as per your stars, so relax. You may have trouble dealing with people who are not like minded. You have no dearth of positive energy and creativity. All that you need to do now is to come to terms with yourself and put your positive foot forward. Concentrate and pray to God so that you have the ability to assimilate your knowledge into wisdom.


Your relationships with those you care about may suddenly come under a cloud. Do not be touchy, and do consider every situation with wisdom. Communication Tactics or devices may cause mix up. You will be better off if you can control you emotions at this point. You may face some minor changes in your social arrangements. Love and romance may become the cause for some disruptions in your normal routine. The time is good for positive actions, decisions & new ventures but you need to exercise extreme caution while taking important decisions. Keep a tight control on your mental state of mind. Please try to relax and maintain peace & harmony.



You are in the midst of tremendous activity. You may have an exciting and unusual encounter with someone who will hold your interest. There may be a lot of interaction in your social circle. If you can handle the cards well now, with foresight and charm, you may pave your way for future gains. The stars indicate association with powerful personalities. A pat on the back normally elevates motivation in all of us. You may get more than what you expected. In spite of all good things, your mind may fail to have peace. You may worry about your home and family, especially your immediate family.


Be careful of the company you keeping, you would be benefited more if you have a second look at what you are presently doing. The time is good for changing for better prospects. You must not let emotions come in while you are in the process of taking some important decision. Members of the opposite s*x may create disruption in your permanent relationships. Friends may not prove to be very useful now. You are advised to look at your relationship with the people who matter to you, where your finances are concerned. May be some pampering and encouragement is desired from your side.


The week may see you handling a situation exceptionally well. You will have a levelheaded attitude and will not hold on to your own views and values. Your longstanding relationship may suddenly come to your aid if you need and save the situation. This is a good phase and will soon clear up many erring factors in your life. There is indication of an end to a situation, which was perhaps stalemate. The time is also good for new beginnings and new openings. So, cheer up and go about life with a smile on your lips. Be good to your family and some amount of demonstration will make it all the more effective and joyful.


Your work front may be in the focus. Professional rapport will be difficult to strike. Do not get swayed by the advice of persons of questionable integrity. If you can locate them in time most of your problems or enemies will be taken care of. Life will be enjoyable and not roller coaster ride. It will seem as if everything is happening simultaneously. Hang in there! Do not get swayed or blown away by your surroundings and happenings. Try and give attention to home and your health. They might be neglected in the midst of so many activities. This is just a passing phase! Try not to worry, you may radiate tension all around and make your loved ones feel the vibes.