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Today's Corporate and Allied Laws paper

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CA Rishabh Lodha (Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)   (537 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

Wish you all best of luck for the Costing paper...certainly it would be a quality one!!

Aishwarya (Chartered Accountant) (95 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

To all those people who are saying a ca should have knowledge of everything and the law exam paper was fair..let me tell u that we get a limited time to study for exams..we have our articleship too and not everyone gets a chance to acquire practical knowledge in every field..Also after becoming a ca u become a expert in a field and not in all d 8 fields that we study..even if u do that u can always refer books for quantitative limits n u r not supposed to be a computer..bt in exams there are not just 1 bt 8 subjects which are really vast..n u cant remember all those quantitive things of all the acts atleast..to the max u can learn or try to memorise ur syllabus..n icai is asking all these limits only as if they want a computer instead of a human..still its not over they are trying more n more to increase ur trouble..

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Gayathri (Asst Manage Finance) (49 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

Dear friends

if u have any disagreement with  law question paper just write a feedback to examfeedback @ icai.in before 31 may 2016.even me too have felt the same thing.most of the questions were memory based.(What is the limit,penalty,Minimum no.....)If many students give  mails about the law exam,they might consider it seriously

CA Rishabh Lodha (Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)   (537 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

Perfect..this should be the way!!

CA Rishabh Lodha (Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)   (537 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

Whatever is asked in the exam is fair and you cant crib about it...it is the right of the examiner to test you in whichever form he/she wants to...i agree that we have articleship and do not get much time for preparation but thats just an excuse to sympathise yourself!! 

And if you talk about the unfairness of the law paper...lets see how many questions were memory based which are practically never applied or important:-

Q1 -(a) - ROC Due date - A very common thing to remember

Q1 (c) - Time limit within which export value to be realised. - A practical thing. Nothing out of the world.

Q2 (a) - Numbers relating to IPO - widely discussed and common to all

Q4 (a) - Minimum turnover or capital of the company

Q4 (b) - No. of Independent directors - Directors chapter is full of number and if you say cant remember number, well, stop fooling yourselves.

Q5 (a) - Managerial Remuneration - covered in PCC/IPCC as well as FINAL. Infact many time times, computation is also asked. so, nothing new and should be known to students.

Q5 (b) - Whehter a governement co. or not on the basis of holding pattern. An IPCC level question covered in audit as well.

Q7 (c) - Part (ii) is number based.

Now you only count, how many numbers were asked from you by ICAI. Are you blaming ICAI for your incomplete preparation?? Are you blaming ICAI because you do not get time to study??

Infact it seems that all of you have developed a habit that whatever is asked in the PM, RTP and past paper is going to be repeated and only important and most asked chapter you guys would prepare. Many of us leave other Laws including Insurance act, Prevention of money laundring act, etc which were used to be covered in the 1st question and last 7th question and we could skip reading half of the misc laws.

This time around, ICAI has smartly choosen to hit you on your over dependence on past exam questions, Most weighted chapters and provsions, practise manual and your ignorance of small provisions which you feel are number based. I hope this is a wake call for all of you to realise that if you blame ICAI and start to make a picture of the likely question paper on the basis of past papers, you are creating a disaster for yourself. Ask you seniors who have cleared exams and far more experienced than you that what unexpected things ICAI may come up with!!

I gave my PCC in May 2011 and it was my 3rd attempt when i cleared it. In Audit, we were used to seeing case study based questions in previous question papers and in the previous attempts, 1st time in May 2011 PCC audit paper, question paper was of 1 single page, printed front and back. No case study or law based situations. Purely straight  forwards questions asking the detailed provisions and all 1 liner questions. I ended up scoring 65 marks in that audit paper.

So be smart with your studies, make your own notes, read the numbers well, solve case studies and prepare yourself for any unexpected thing that ICAI may come up with. Thats why only, 4-5% people pass and other dont.

And if you think 4-5% is unjustfied, well, let me tell you that 4-5% comes post standard additions made to marks. Original result is quite pathetic!!






CA Rishabh Lodha (Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)   (537 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

If numbers bother you all so much, how would you survive in DT and IDT where not remembering the number is self destruction!!

Aishwarya (Chartered Accountant) (95 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

Dear CA Rishabh lodha it was not to offend u in any way..sorry if u felt like..i was just discussing the problems that we students face and being a senior u have the right to say this to us and i totally respect it..bt if u can understand our problems than that would be great..by the way sorry and yes i have already cleared my DT and IDT with exemption..!! :)

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CA Rishabh Lodha (Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)   (537 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

No No...i did not feel offended..i just wanted to make sure that there should not be any misconcenption about anything and myself, having gone through it, thought of sharing my thoughts on it so that others can also benefit from it.

CA Rishabh Lodha (Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)   (537 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

Congrats for exemption in DT and IDT...by the way i had scored 60 in ISCA :P:P  apart from 64 in IDT in nov 2012...what about you in ISCA

Prince Chande (Student CA Final ) (23 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

It ws a bouncer from ICAI.....;-)

Unexpectd questions...

Over all high std paper lykd it.....

Aswath Raman (Audit Executive) (285 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

Haha! of course, I am no expert in setting question paper Lodhaji. I simply pointed out what ICAI expects of the candidate, incidentally given in the front page of material too. And, my expectation about the question paper stems from that belief, that ICAI will bring the challenges to a student in the sole 3 hours it shall ever get to evaluate him/her and to know how far he/she fit to be a CA.

Indeed, you are a qualified person and I am yet to be. Keeping that in mind, let me humbly state that the student's expectation on a paper matters, if not for that ICAI would not ask for feedbacks from students. Had it been the privilege only of the qualified to give a feedback on exam papers of students, such option would exist only in ICAI journals.

I have been polite and to the extent possible have maintained professionalism ( of which a CA is known for) while replying to you. I would kindly request you to avoid personal remarks while commenting on the thread. Rightful assertions and logic are what makes us, auditors, different and not prejudice and gross generalization.



vijay gupta (CA- Final Student) (102 Points)
Replied 10 May 2016

Dear CA Lodha,

                    Let me tell u that , its not a big deal to get EXEMPTION in ISCA, I consider ISCA is the most scoring subject.

CA Rishabh Lodha (Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)   (537 Points)
Replied 11 May 2016

Mr. Gupta, What you consider cannot be generalised atleast for ISCA. :P and yes, scoring 60 is an achievement for me, may not be for you.

CA Rishabh Lodha (Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)   (537 Points)
Replied 11 May 2016

Keeping an expectation about a CA paper itself is disasterous, which to an extent, hampers your preparation. It is certainly not about what you expect from ICAI in exams. It's about ICAI, how it tests you in the exams and how much you are prepared.

I know that level of knowledge expected from a CA Final student is of expert level, but do experts ever complain in an adverse situation??...I think they do not. Coming to those 3 hours where ICAI tests you, to see whether you are prepared to be a CA or not, not only test you as an expert but also as a person who can handle the pressure and unexpected things. If we excel in all these, we become Chartered Accountants.

My remarks to you are not personal in nature and only expression of my views on your views. Please do not feel offended.

As a professionals, we must never develope the habit of complaining about a particular situtation we are put into, be it exams or any other situation. Rather, we should find ways to deal with it. Thats why we are called professionals!!

Sathish M (Management Accountant) (40581 Points)
Replied 11 May 2016

I earnestly request members not to discuss further on this topic, till the second group examination concludes. This is the only way you can help your peers not to lose focus on remaining papers.


Let us at least make an effort in supporting all those who are studying for their group 2 to do well in the examination.


Thanks for the understanding.


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