Today people are doing ca just for degree not tomake career out of it?????.
Today people are doing ca just for degree not to make career
vivek jain (kl) (264 Points)
24 December 2012vivek jain (kl) (264 Points)
24 December 2012Today people are doing ca just for degree not tomake career out of it?????.
(360 Points)
Replied 24 December 2012
What made you say such a thing? Do you think people are that free to take up such a complicated course and lose a few valuable years in their life? just for the sake of adding up a qualification?
Karan Teli
(Life Is just an Illusion...!!)
(4573 Points)
Replied 24 December 2012
May be yes you are right to some extent but it is harmfull to generalise it
satish kumar voleti
(A.C.A., (ICWAI))
(1686 Points)
Replied 24 December 2012
(112 Points)
Replied 14 January 2013
KOI kar b raha hai to burai kya hai
dard kyu utha bhai tere