To be total in your work is meditation

GOPINATH.V.J (CA FINAL) (131 Points)

27 May 2009  

The workaholic is not total in his work. The workaholic is addicted to work, he cannot sit silently. He has to do something; whether it is needed or not, that is not the question. They are addicted to work just as people are addicted to drugs. Work is their drug. It keeps them engaged. It keeps them away from their worries, it keeps them away from their tensions. Like any drug it drowns your worries, tensions, anxieties, sufferings.

Anything can become a drug
But you can use anything as a drug. A few people are just chewing gum. You take their gum and see how miserable they become. The chewing gum keeps them engaged, and that is how cigarettes keep them engaged. That is how people go on gossiping with each other. That keeps them engaged. Every addiction is going to prevent you from becoming a meditator. All addictions have to be dropped.

To be total in work is meditation
But to be total in your work is a totally different thing. To be total in your work is not addiction, it is a kind of meditation. When you are totally in your work, your work has a possibility of perfection, you will have a joy arising out of a perfect work. If you can be perfect and total in work, you can be total in no-work . You know how to be total. You can close your eyes and you can be totally in. You know the secret of being total.

The workaholic cannot meditate
He cannot sit silently even for a few minutes. He will fidget, he will change his position, he will do something or other — look into this pocket or that pocket, and he knows that there is nothing in those pockets. He will take out his glasses, clean them, put them away, and he knows they are clean.

Can you relax on holidays?
Even on holidays people go on doing something or other. They cannot enjoy a holiday. On every holiday people are rushing towards health resorts and beaches. They don’t have time to rest, because millions of people are going to be there. People have completely forgotten the language of relaxation.

I am not telling you to relax the whole day.
Do your work, but find some time for yourself, and that can be found only in relaxation. And you will be surprised that if you can relax for an hour or two hours out of each 24 hours, it will give you a deeper insight into yourself. It will change your behaviour outwardly, you will become more calm, more quiet. It will change the quality of your work, it will be more artistic and more graceful. Relaxation has miraculous powers.

Courtesy Osho International