To all My FRIENDS.... read if u can....

Soumil Banerjee (Chartered Accountant) (124 Points)

05 February 2010  

Well I was reading threads from this community when I came up with stuffs like, “manipulation of CA results” and some guy “biding farewell for he failed” . I have something to post in this regard… Regardless u nod ur head with me or shake this off, its just what I feel :-------------
1st  we all are aware that cracking  the CA exams is a tough job to execute.. and before we appeared for the entrance and entered into this course we all knew about the fact that the pass percentage is low. Yet we stepped in. So why cry about this now, and why put the blame on ICAI?
CA is not like the old school stuff, like class room coaching , interaction with the faculties and the examiners, so there is no way that they would develop any personal enmity with any student. So this statement “intentionally failing some of us is baseless”, sorry but it is a fact.
Declaration of results enrages some, disappoints some and enlightens some, it happens all the time, but putting on the blame on others is not right  na? Always remember we all will be treated equally, all of us will be given a second chance, its our determination that counts, our job is to study, so better lets just do our job and care less about manipulation of results and stuffs… DUDE WE CANNOT AFFORD TO GET CARRIED AWAY….
 We all are studying CA coz we learned that Chartered Accountants have a bright future and a challenging carrier. If it was that easy then it is quite obvious that these “bright” future prospective  would not have been so BRIGHT but unattractive in the first place, and we wouldn’t have been here discussing all these.
 NEVER GIVE UP NEVER SAY DIE…. WE MAY FAIL IN OUR 1st, 2nd or maybe 3rd attempt, but we all are going to get this honey coated, warm, beautiful, sweetheart  degree…
REMEMBER :- you all are different coz u are one of those minorities who dare to enter ICAI, you are WARRIORS. YOU WERE BORN TO WIN..   YOU  ALL ARE ‘THE’ future CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF THIS COUNTRY…
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF…. COZ I BELIEVE that the PERSON WHO IS READING THIS AT THIS MOMENT AND smiling (or may be cursing me for wasting  his/her  time  ;-)  ) IS A WINNER…………….

                                   (CA STUDENTS ------ BORN TO WIN)
Cheers ….

*** In Our colony there is a guy, passed his B.Com some 3-4 yrs ago. He appeared in his CPT 2 years prior to me.. When I was in class 11, he once told me “bhai accountant toh ban hi gaya hu, Abhi sirf Chartered banna baki hai,, kitna difficult hoga?, :D :D :D :D (even though I laugh about this statement till today) I praise him for his confidence…
Oh by the way the guy mentioned above is YET to pass his CPT, but he is not giving up, that’s attitude…