HEY, can i get some tips for self-study for CA FINAL??????????
SHWETA AGARWAL (CA ) (65 Points)
30 June 2009HEY, can i get some tips for self-study for CA FINAL??????????
(54 Points)
Replied 30 June 2009
Start your preparation from early days only, don't wait till your preparation holidays. Be sincere and dedicated in whatever you do . And don't compare yourself with others i.e., with those who are going for coaching. ok DO HARDWORK NOT HARDLY WORK. I wish you all the best for your future. ..... Bye.
(CA )
(65 Points)
Replied 30 June 2009
Thank you, thank u very much.
I really felt gud on receiving a reply.
Shashi Bhushan
(Learner, Jalandhar)
(996 Points)
Replied 12 October 2009
a CA final student need no tips from others. because he has experienced every aspect of study or examination during PCC. so get motivation from your own heart.