Anoop Shrivastava (Free Lancer) (476 Points)

22 October 2007  

HI All,

Ur CPT exam is near now. SO, i hope ur preparing very well 4 ur studies. I had also Passed Last CPT Exam of Aug 07'. I have some tips for u, which was helpful for u to prepare for CPT Exam.

1) IF ur not from Maths background, then plz keep it in ur mind that u have to get passing marks out of 150.

2) Before Starting revision any chapter of accounts, first study whole theory of that chapter and then only solve 1 or two questions from examples. But solve Maximum questions from EXERCISE.

3) Prepare Mercantile Law Very well, because it was the only scoring subject after accounts. Contract Act is important one.

4)In economics 1st complete Macro economics then go for micro economics. Macro Economics aslo very scoring.

5) IN Quantitative Aptitude, Differentiation and integration, Correlation and regression and theoritical distribution is important one.

6) And make the Strategy to solve M. LAW paper 1st in examination, because u will get more time to solve accounts.

7) PLZ WORK hard in studies, because there is no Short cuts for Success. But u can do ur work Systematically, Which will help u 2 go to the path of Success.

ok, Bye 2 all. & all the very best for ur Exam.