tips for attempting MCQs

Saurabh Toshniwal (ca final) (2363 Points)

06 September 2010  

Tips for cracking Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in CA-CPT Exam successfully


Following should be kept in mind while attempting MCQs in CA-CPT Exam:


Tip no 1

Try to attempt as many questions as you can.


Tip no 2

Read every option, even if you are more than 100% sure about the 1st option.

If the first option is a correct one, look at the last option to make sure it is not an "all of the above" option.


Tip no 3

The above trick also works for the questions where "none of the above" is included in the question.


Tip no 4

Give good amount of time to the easiest question as many a times it may contain a tricky part.


Tip no 5

In case there is confusion always apply exclusion method. Try to exclude those options which cannot be the answers.


Tip no 6

If you do not know anything about the question or the options – never attempt that question.


Tip no 7

After reading the question cover the answers with your hand and first try to solve the question without looking at the answers. Then match your answer with the given options.


Tip no 8

Always try to imagine the topic (in your Assignments, notes or book).

When you come up with some hint, look or picture of it, look for that in the given options.


Tip no 9

Before marking the option ask yourself “reason to mark it right“, or “whether it makes any sense”.


Tip no 10

Always give more weightage to that answer which according to your knowledge is correct. If while dealing with the question, your logic says something and your knowledge says something else, always follow your knowledge.


Tip no 11

While you guess, do not change that answer which comes first to your mind. Many Researches indicate that your first answer is usually the correct one.

However, don't be afraid to change answers when you have quite a good reason for doing so.


Tip no 12

Allow time at the end to check for carelessness and Silly mistakes.