Time Management Facts and Figures

The Harshit Aggarwal (B.Com(H) ,CS Final) (5278 Points)

09 October 2009  

Time Management Facts and Figures


1. 80% of “crisis management” events are preventable.




2. One hour of planning will save 10 hours of doing.




3. Good time managers do not allocate their time to those who “demand” it, but rather to those who “deserve” it.



4. The most powerful word in our time management vocabulary is “no.”




5. Delegation is an unlimited method to multiply time for achieving results.




6. Nine out of 10 people daydream in meetings.




7. The average person gets one interruption every eight minutes, or approximately Seven an hour.




8. It almost always takes twice as long to complete a task as what we originally thought it would take.



9. If you want to get something done, give it to a busy person




10. The “20/80 Rule” tells us we will typically accomplish 80% of our results through 20% of our effort. The other 20% of additional results comes from about 80% of additional effort.



11. The average reading speed is approximately 200 words per minute. The average working person reads two hours per day. A speed reading course that will improve thereading rate to 400 words per minute will save an hour per day.



12. We retain 10% of what we read.

      We retain 20% of what we hear.

      We retain 30% of what we see.

      We retain 50% of what we hear and see.

      We retain 70% of what we say.

      We retain 90% of what we do.