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Threatening emails to me!

Page no : 3

CA. Dashrath Maheshwari (TaXpert) (15103 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

wow, daring priya...

I admire the courageous girls, You are right, the that mailer should be banned at least on this website.

I request to author of this thread to provide mail id of that illicit buddy.

Joshv (CA inter) (288 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

Hi Shankar,

I appreciate your articles and encouragement and inspiration you are giving to others through your articles in this professionally managed website.

Eventhough you are well qualified and educated, you are not able to control your emotions, that too, in this public forum. This shows that education only will not impart good manners to students. Our Indian's are so kind enough to excuse enemies also except in do or die situations. Inspite of being an Indian,  you wrongly mentioned as "TYPICAL INDIAN".

Per my view, no one is  jealous about your qualification and high knowledge levels, coz, these are all man made and can be gained by any hardworker with some financial assistance  in this world. We are not above God, according to whose wish, this universe is surviving.

When a person posted PM to you, you should resolve between both of you. What is the need of bringing the same into public forum?

Please think positively about others in negative situations also. That will make you more credible person in this society.

 Do not waste your time in this petty issues, instead, do some constructive contribution such as sharing of knowledge to your juniors , guiding the students to pass their exams, and serving the society, especially poor people from your earnings with your so long degrees aside your name.

Not only CA Students of this website, also whole "TYPICAL INDIANS" will love you and will be with you.

Do not take this post as argumentative, if you are not accepting this, please ignore and have nice day.

All the best and may god bless you.

Joshv (CA inter) (288 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

Hi Shankar,

I appreciate your articles and encouragement and inspiration you are giving to others through your articles in this professionally managed website.

Eventhough you are well qualified and educated, you are not able to control your emotions, that too, in this public forum. This shows that education only will not impart good manners to students. Our Indian's are so kind enough to excuse enemies also except in do or die situations. Inspite of being an Indian,  you wrongly mentioned as "TYPICAL INDIAN".

Per my view, no one is  jealous about your qualification and high knowledge levels, coz, these are all man made and can be gained by any hardworker with some financial assistance  in this world. We are not above God, according to whose wish, this universe is surviving.

When a person posted PM to you, you should resolve between both of you. What is the need of bringing the same into public forum?

Please think positively about others in negative situations also. That will make you more credible person in this society.

 Do not waste your time in this petty issues, instead, do some constructive contribution such as sharing of knowledge to your juniors , guiding the students to pass their exams, and serving the society, especially poor people from your earnings with your so long degrees aside your name.

Not only CA Students of this website, also whole "TYPICAL INDIANS" will love you and will be with you.

Do not take this post as argumentative, if you are not accepting this, please ignore and have nice day.


Vidhyashankar (CA) (1292 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

Originally posted by :Viswanath
" Hi Shankar,
I appreciate your articles and encouragement and inspiration you are giving to others through your articles in this professionally managed website.
Eventhough you are well qualified and educated, you are not able to control your emotions, that too, in this public forum. This shows that education only will not impart good manners to students. Our Indian's are so kind enough to excuse enemies also except in do or die situations. Inspite of being an Indian,  you wrongly mentioned as "TYPICAL INDIAN".
Per my view, no one is  jealous about your qualification and high knowledge levels, coz, these are all man made and can be gained by any hardworker with some financial assistance  in this world. We are not above God, according to whose wish, this universe is surviving.
When a person posted PM to you, you should resolve between both of you. What is the need of bringing the same into public forum?
Please think positively about others in negative situations also. That will make you more credible person in this society.
 Do not waste your time in this petty issues, instead, do some constructive contribution such as sharing of knowledge to your juniors , guiding the students to pass their exams, and serving the society, especially poor people from your earnings with your so long degrees aside your name.
Not only CA Students of this website, also whole "TYPICAL INDIANS" will love you and will be with you.
Do not take this post as argumentative, if you are not accepting this, please ignore and have nice day.

Dear Students this posting is meant for this Vishwanath but please read this carefully as you would get hints on the psychological aspects of the human mind.

This is one emotional blackmailing.On the face of it looks quite sane and levelheaded arguments and "logic"

Let us now study it in detail and analyze threadbare(do this for everyone who throws something at you to break your spirit or chide you and gets away):

There are different emotional blackmailing techniques which I studied.One most common technique is the classical:"You are so educated and yet you behave like this." In precisely what manner did I behave emotionally? Can you please be specific and point out? Then I would tend my arguments in such a fashion based on my old articles and postings wherein lot of logic is quoted too.

It is not like Im on the streets with a redband on my head and smashing petrol bombs!Having nothing better to pick and pry, you pick "Typical Indians" from someone else's comment and that too out of context.If you would care to read fully all my comments you would come to know the reasoning behind it.Isn't this a knee-jerk or emotional reaction behind your statements, despite being a manager in a BPO company?(how is the taste of your own medicine?)

Far from it, this is the decent way to express one's anguish and emotions.One should express emotions and there are no bars to it, else the system will left to itself would stagnate.Unless one just curses and rails and rants without any purpose or with a malicious intent.Emotions are the driving force, whether you accept it or not.

And it is only in a public forum that I can express my anger and emotions in a logical fashion to elicit reponse.If I rant in the four walls of my bathroom what would happen? Nothing would happen, except a throbbing headache.It is because Indians sit in 4 walls and fulminate against the "system"(whatever that might be--politicians,corruption,neopotism,etc) that nothing is happening much in our country in a real sense, whatever be the "Shining India" stances we might take or whatever be your self-righteous accusations that Im using generalized "Typical Indians".

Then you rationalize, "thus education would not impart good manners"...This is purely your conclusion and am least bothered by whats irking you about me in your head.It might be good-mannered to tell white lies and escape the brunt of hurting feelings of close people,maybe a girlfriend.But ICAI is not my girlfriend.Period.I have to tell such things and against such people who send abusive emails.Once done and opened the person did not dare to email me and the other person went his way instead of spewing venom onto this forum.If you personally prefer to side these type of jealous people by saying (No one is jealous...blah blah) in the guise of manners and being mushy-mushy, it is yourproblem, not mine.Im a straight talker and when I do straight talking sometimes it hurts where it should.No pain, no gain.

Im thinking positive too about negative people in negative situations however I do not believe in wasting emotional energies on them.They have to get a life! Also, every such negative comment is being creatively used to showcase something positive for the students.Come on do so yourself, let me see!

This is not a petty issue I felt.This is an issue which I felt every Indian ought to know.One ought to know how to be inspired from someone's success and not eat their head with irksome and bothersome negativity."A noble man gets inspired by the success of someone and an evil man finds glee in others pain"--is an ancient aphorism.

As far as constructive contribution is concerned, I am doing it and my work speaks better than my words here.You can just look around and see my articles and comments is all I can say and reevaluate your statement visavis your contribution to the forum and as you say "guiding the students to pass the exam".

Serving the poor: Yes, I know what Im doing and how many organizations in India Im supporting through my money and words.It is your assumption without knowing who Im and what Im doing to passup such comments.So again you use an emotional blackmailing here..."No use having long degrees behind your name but must help poor students..." Nice bhashan but would get away with such statements in a street meeting of political type not with "Vidhyashankar".

It is these stray comments disguised as well meant advices which spoil our spirit and discourage us.Students beware of such people and their words.This is what I meant when I said choice of company is important.They might be good and their intentions might be good but then their words do all the harm.

Im not "accepting" these statements, however whether I ignore or not is left to my discretion.Nowhere have I said, Im above God.These are purely distracting arguments and statements, the line of which I refuse to be drawn and berate.

You too have a nice day! (and work constructively for the welfare of our students,poor people of India and all the brethren of this world).

Please do not consider this as a lengthy peroration to you but as a beautiful lesson showcases to students.Thankyou for this lesson.


Karthik (C A Student) (219 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

"Viswanath",Dude please take a break. I really dont understand why people critisize ones who have the kindness, patience and courtesy to help others ?

Is this a habit with all the "so called intellectual" persons ? Oh plzzz. And why does everyone go on to boast "INDIA IS GREAT" and "INDIANS ARE GREATER" so dont critisize us...Hello wake up....are these people  here to just  say that ?

I am kinda getting bored by  reading all such posts !!!  Can everyone please stop this and put in some useful information in this kinda forum ? People blindly ask for the contributions of others(Especially Vidyashankar, who has contributed immensely ), whereas they themselves have not done anything worth commending !!!!



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