CPT was introduced because of so many challenges before the ICAI....
the economy was in bull phaze in 2004-05.....
so many foreign acquisitions by Indian Companies, FDI, SEZ and so on....
but crash of world economy in 2008 deteriorated the whole picture....
more than 200 banks failed in US....
due to this; not only CAs; but whole world had to face the worst ever situtions after II world war.
Still CAs have great opportunities....
but these are for those who are ready to face challenges in emerging scenerio.
What are such challenges are clearly described in ICAI journal which most of the members are not ready to accept that something useful is there.
I request the students and members to refer at least immediate past 12 issues of ICAI journal....
then they will come to know that the course materials is required to be "adjusted" according to the new developments
so that these can be applied practically.
Unforunately; very few students/members have REAL INTERESTS in studies and discussions.
Students and members feel HORRIBLE when they are advised to refresh their knowledge by continuing their studies.
Further; much labour is exercised on what are the problems than what are the solutions.