There was a time

Priyanka (CS) (585 Points)

11 December 2013  

There was a time
when everything was dark,
and I was all consumed only with
the shadows of a cursed life.
I couldn’t see an end and believed I’d never be able to move forward
out of the ashes, and rise like I was supposed to do.
I used to lie down, and take it.
I was black and blue,
and somehow that became me.
For so long, I was that person -
the one who was trodden into the ground.
They said I could trust them.
They said that they loved me.

But even though I took my time to see it -
there was hope.
It came in the form of one tiny spark,
the only thing left inside me that hinted I was a real person,
and I was really alive.
A voice that kept on telling me I deserved more,
and I deserved better.
It told me to talk.

There was a time,
when everything was dark
and I was so scared to move
just incase I put a foot wrong.
But that seems so long ago now,
I’m not that person anymore.
I listen to the spark that tells me I am strong, and I speak up.
I’m no longer black and blue,
I am all the colors of the rainbow,
because that is what I choose.