There is officially no sonia gandhi

Suman Kumar Verma (Practicing CMA) (1300 Points)

20 September 2011  



Sonia's sister Alexandria(or Anuska) has 2 shops in Italy selling antiques stolen from India. Sonia used her power to smuggle indian artifacts through Air India flights uninspected.
Sonia's son Rahul Gandhi, whose real name is Raul Vinci. He got admitted to Harvard in quota but was thrown off soon because he was incompetant. He has italian citizenship since his mother never gave up her citizenship. He cannot officially become the citizen of india or any politician in india as long as he doesnt give up his italian citizenship. Arrested in Boston airport for carrying 160,000 dollars cash, accompanied by Veronique (spanish). veronique is the daughter of Drug mafia leader. Rahul has also been accused for gang raping Sukanya Devi, whose petition to all courts in India have been rejected due to their political hold and the whereabouts of the family is unknown. However, the information is widely available online.