The word - impossible

vikas (Senior Manager) (122 Points)

27 June 2012  




The Latin word for "impossible" is impossibilis. It is constructed of the negative prefix in- (which becomes im-before a 'p'), the verb posse "to be able; to be possible", and the suffix -ibilis "able". Posse in turn is a compound of the adjective potis "able; possible" and the verb esse "to be". So basically impossibilis means "not able to be possible" – as per


More googling helped me find this :-

1. Incapable of having existence or of occurring.

2. Not capable of being accomplished: an impossible goal.

3. Unacceptable; intolerable: impossible behavior.

4. Extremely difficult to deal with or tolerate: an impossible child; an impossible situation.

5. incapable of being done, undertaken, or experienced

6. incapable of occurring or happening

7. absurd or inconceivable; unreasonable it's impossible to think of him as a bishop

8. Informal intolerable; outrageous those children are impossible


hopeless - without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success; "in an agony of hopeless grief"; "with a hopeless sigh he sat down"

impractical - not practical; not workable or not given to practical matters; "refloating the ship proved impractical because of the expense"; "he is intelligent but too impractical for commercial work"; "an impractical solution"

unrealistic - not realistic; "unrealistic expectations"; "prices at unrealistic high levels"

insurmountableunsurmountable - not capable of being surmounted or overcome; "insurmountable disadvantages"

unthinkable - incapable of being conceived or considered

possible - capable of happening or existing; "a breakthrough may be possible next year"; "anything is possible"; "warned of possible consequences"

impossible - totally unlikelyimpossible - totally unlikely                    

inconceivableout of the questionunimaginable

unthinkable - incapable of being conceived or considered



But I question – is there really the requirement of the word – IMPOSSIBLE


In my opinion, Impossible is the combination of the word –


I M Possible

Meaning thereby, there is nothing as impossible and I am the person who can make things happen (possible)


Keeping this thought in mind, we can overcome the fear of losing the achievable because targets seems to be nearer if positively thought and remain in isolation if thought that they are impossible to be achieved.


In the ancient days, if anyone would have thought of it was impossible to speak to each other over a long distance, then would the age long landline phones and present mobile phones would have existed


Not only we human beings, even animals follow I M Possible & not impossible. I remember learning the story of the Thirsty Crow which pounded pebbles for quenching his thirst and the story of the ants climbing the ladder.


Even are being regularly hearing – Be Positive – what is be positive – it is making things happen rather than making them happen


Think, if an illiterate old person can learn to read and write then what is IMPOSSIBLE – it is I M Possible


Even in today’s challenging world, we often come across situations/hurdles which seem to be impossible to overcome, but, it is our determination and the power within ourselves which makes us face it, and we accept the situations. But, what if, we think, overcoming was impossible …. Trust me …. by changing the view of thought,  you change yourself.


Link you self to a half empty glass of water ….. what you find is – half empty or half full – it is the perception of viewing and simply saying that it is impossible that the glass is half full is a wrong verdict.


Even going a little ahead – impossible is linked with PAIN(S) – but what is pain … again thinking positively will reveal that PAINs are actually Positive Action In Negative Situations


Hence, be positive and instead of saying IMPOSSIBLE …… speak out




I M Possible