The Thrifty Manager.....

Sameer Medhekar (Student) (4140 Points)

11 February 2009  

 The Thrifty Manager

Cutting costs is a necessity in today's economy, but beware: costs might not be the only thing you cut in the process. Staff performance and productivity, people's trust and morale, the team spirit you have carefully nurtured - when you cut costs, you risk cutting these too.

             The good news is, it doesn't always have to be that way. With careful planning and implementation, there are ways to slim down your outgoings and run things more efficiently - without damaging the fabric of your team.

            This article, The Thrifty Manager, offers some practical advice about how to start cutting costs; how to make the most of the resources that you already have; and how to involve your team in cutting costs smartly and sensibly. Yes, cost cutting can be a teambuilding exercise, after all!