The teeth of the dog...a nice one

CA Pallav Singhania (IT System Auditor) (33262 Points)

04 November 2011  

There was a saint called San Francisco (in Spain) was walking with some kids. It was a wonderful, clear day, with all the flowers blooming, and a nice smell on the air. But gradually the kids started to smell something rotten. It might be a dead animal.

As they walked, the smell became stronger and they found out it was a dead dog by the side of the path. One of the kids said, "It's all rotted." Another kid said, "The intestines are all out." Still another kid added, "There are ants coming out of the hollows of his eye."

Then, San Francisco added, "It had nice WHITE teeth."

The moral is that sometimes we focus on the bad things, when everything seems to be bad. But always, bad things have something good. Our days ALWAYS have the teeth of the dog; something nice to wake up for that we must try to find during our day.

Look for your "teeth of the dog" today! !