The road not taken...makes all the difference if life!!!!

CA RAJEEV G V (Chartered Accountant) (58 Points)

01 February 2008  

what according to you better option for a CA, INDEPENDENT PRACTICE or INDUSTRY job???? Argue your case folks….


I know friends it is the toughest decision one faces once completing CA. The decision taken once will change the way we lead our life. As I always think positive in life let me list some of the positives of both practice and working for industry.




Once you start the practice and you have all your independence with you intact. You are the ‘Boss of your own’, you take independent decisions, and you are putting your 100% efforts to grow your own firm and not to make some one rich! you earn respect, you become more and more competent in different spectrum and at the end of the day you find time to spend valuable moments with your family and loved ones, after initial struggle your practice starts picking up and you start making steady and decent money also.


Hold on guys!! , Don’t rush to look for the space to start your office just yet; I have not come to the second part still, ie, job in the industry.

Industry job has its own advantages too, you complete your CA today and you get a cool and lucrative offer from an MNC tomorrow, wow!! How’s that!!! . Isn’t it easy and tension free? You get respectable position, you need not have to worry about the whole world, just take care of the responsibility assigned to you, do some good job and at the end of the month go home happily with your hefty pay pocket and enjoy the weekend.

Lets me know what you people think about the above two choices. REPLY