The Most Influential Words

Pemmasani Purushotham (M.B.A, C.A.Final) (418 Points)

16 March 2009  

The Most Influential Word Groups...............

The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter --- it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

Words affect results. So better words mean better results. The influencer's dozen has 18. That's enough to give variety without getting overwhelming. I don't know the source. Do you? If so, please add a comment so that credit can be given.

The influential words fit into six classes with different purposes:

  1. describe
  2. create awareness
  3. establish a sequence
  4. create connections
  5. show causality
  6. command

Ideally, we'd combine words from different groups.

These are adjectives and adverbs

  1. naturally
  2. easily
  3. unlimited

Create Awareness
These words start mental processes that you have initiated

  1. aware
  2. realize
  3. experience

Establish A Sequence
These words help create a sequence in time.

  1. before
  2. during
  3. after

Create Connections
These words create relationships among items

  1. among
  2. expand
  3. beyond

Show Causality
These words show cause and effect

  1. and
  2. as
  3. causes
  4. because

These verbs tell the person what you want them to do.

  1. now
  2. stop

That's the list. Since these words get used in everyday speech, you can easily include them. You probably already use some naturally without realizing. Now you can stop to choose because words matter