The most difficult interview questions (and answers)

Vivek (CA ) (2368 Points)

16 June 2012  

The Most Difficult Interview Questions (and Answers)


It is very important for those who want to attend a job interview prepare in advance. Refer to specific resources related is a good move. You need to take notes and also some analysis of what you have read to serve as your bullet during an interview later. In fact, you have been successful through a process that is critical in search of employment. You have managed to convince the employer to choose you as a candidate short list. This is a considerable success. Bear in mind that you may be in the hundreds or thousands of people who have applied and you were short listed. How Sweet is That ..?  Therefore you can not squander this opportunity.
Below is an article that quoted from the, written by Nicole Williams. It is concerned with common and difficult interview questions, and how to answer them.

Here are some advice on how to answer five of the toughest interview questions:

1. What is your biggest weakness?

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Questions like these, says Denham, are asked so that interviewees admit a weakness that justifies their being shown the door. He recommends responding with: “I have a tendency to say yes and get overcommitted.” Then follow that with an example of how you are working on prioritizing and setting personal limits. Never draw negative attention to yourself by stating a weakness that would lead an employer to think you are not the best person for the job, Denham says. “The focus of your interview should be on your strengths,” he says.

2. What salary do you think you deserve?
“The person who states the salary is the loser,” says Denham, explaining that if you are the first to throw out a number, the number you give could be less than what the employer was planning to pay. Wait for the employer to give a range, and when it does ask you for a figure you expect to be making, choose a salary that is higher than the median they provide. Use online tools and resources to find out what you can realistically expect. Also, don’t talk salary on the first interview.

3. Why should I hire you?
For this one, Denham says it’s important to prepare before the interview. “Go back to your resume and look through it for the three to five things that make you outstanding,” he says. These qualities should accent your work ability, like “I’m a hard worker” or “I get things done.” You have to demonstrate a track record of results. “The notion is that past performance is always the best predictor of future performance,” Denham says.

4. What didn’t you like about your last job?
The employer who asks this question could be looking for you to answer with something that would indicate a weakness of yours, once again in an attempt to eliminate you. So while it may be tempting to trash your boss or complain about the hours (they expected me to be in at 8 a.m.!), try answering with something like this: “I did not feel my responsibilities were challenging enough.” Then the employer will feel confident that you are ready for whatever they may throw at you.

5. Where do you see yourself in three to five years?
The worst answer you can provide to this one, Denham says, is “I have no idea,” even though that might be the truth. “It’s basically like saying, ‘I have no idea what I’m doing with my life and I have no idea how long I’ll stay with this job,’” Denham says. Try a response like “I’ve done a lot of self-assessment, and what I’ve learned about myself is that I want to make a commitment to this career and I want to build my career here.”


By staff

About Nicole:
Career expert and best-selling author of Girl on Top, Nicole Williams is redefining the world of work — making it glamorous, entertaining and relevant to modern women. Nicole founded WORKS by Nicole Williams in 2006 with the vision of building the first media and content company focused on career development specifically for the highly dynamic and powerful market of young professional women. Her Web site,, is the go-to destination site for modern working women