The indian effect on globalisation

CA SURENDRA KUMAR RAKHECHA (Practising CA at Surat) (26263 Points)

12 March 2012  


Globalization is the result of US, UK and other foreign countries

"efforts" to fill the gap in their lowering growth
in today's news headlines:
UK has banned Indian Cooks although its public like Indian Food too much.

Now these countries are unable to face worldwide competition

especially threats given by Indians in every field.

And the "important" matter is -
Them claim they can also make Indian Curry ( If not; they will learn).
Indians claim :
Of course; you can make but the TASTE would be different.

( We know how ACHAR ( pickles ) made by every Indian woman is different in its TASTE ).

For this "common sense" they will further make investigations and soon one more EDUCATIONAL COURSE would be generated by them and INDIANS will join it !

( As many Indians go for graduation course and pay lacs of rupees - the reason is very simple; they don't study in India in the manner which they apply in foreign countries ).


Otherwise Indian Chartered Accountancy course which is renowned worldwide; would have no recognition.


Indian woman chartered accountants can also cook tasty food
their families need not go to hotels for the best food !
