The Ass's Brains!!!

Lakshmi (Student) (1836 Points)

07 December 2010  

The lion had become very old. He was lame too and colud not hunt for food. So he asked his friend the cunning jackal to get him some food to eat.

The jackal went in search of a fat animal and found an ass.

"Hey, you." cried the jackal. "Our king the lion asked me to look for a new chief minister for the kingdom. Come and meet the lion."

The ass was too afraid to refuse. So he crept up behind the jackal to the lion's cave.

When the lion saw the ass he roared.As he started moving towards the ass the ass ran away as fast as he could.

" You stupid jackal", cried the lion. "He has run away."

"Don't worry," said the jackal." He will come back."

He went back to the ass and said, "How could you be so foolish? The lion has promised to make you his chief minister.Come quickly before he changes his mind."

So the poor ass went back to the lion. The lion killed the ass with a blow on his head and prepared to sit down to eat him.

"But sire," said the jackal, "Don't you think you should bathe first before eating?"

But when he came back, he found that the cunning jackal had already eaten the ass"s brains.

"Roarr....." cried the lion. "You have disobeyed me."

"But sire," said the jackal."The ass had no brains at all."

"How dare you lie to me?"

roared the lion."How can an animal not have a brain?"

"If he had any brains, would he have come to you the second time?" asked the jackal.